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MARCH 2025​​

The month starts the return of the first two eclipses of the year (they always come in pairs, every six months). Lunar eclipses, like full Moons, are revealing. They reveal the truth in an often-dramatic way and let you learn things that change your life course. It’s important to accept what is revealed on a lunar eclipse. You cannot fight this knowledge. You can only take it in and ask yourself what the highest manifestation is that you can create with this energy.

The Solar Eclipse affects your physical and real affairs. It is believed that this is the time when people step into their destiny. Solar eclipses open the door to something new.

The Full Moon on March 14th (lunar eclipse) occurs in Virgo and the New Moon (solar eclipse) occurs in Aries on March 29th. Mercury will retrograde in Aries until March 28th and will re-enter Pisces and stay there until April 16th (due to its retrograde motion). Venus retrogrades in Aries until March 27th and will re-enter in Pisces until May 1st (due to its retrograde motion). Mars is still in Cancer until April 18th. Jupiter is in Gemini until June 9th. Saturn is in Pisces and will stay there until May 25th, 2025. Uranus is direct in Taurus as well as Neptune in Pisces. Pluto is in Aquarius until September 2044.


Venus retrograde meaning:  As the planet of love and values, Venus retrograde periods are periods during which we re-assess what—and who—we value. It is a period that most astrologers consider inopportune for getting married or starting a new relationship.  Old friends and lovers may re-appear, perhaps complicating current relationships. We are called upon to deal with relationship issues from the past. Events occur that seem fated or pre-destined. Relationships that have been especially challenging may come to an end during this cycle. However, strong relationships will survive.

Generally speaking, during a Mercury retrograde, we can expect delays, traffic situations, problems in communications (especially with telephones and cell phones), computer problems, delays in mail, transportation ether by car or plane and we never want to sign any contracts or legal documents, especially long-term ones. We don't throw logic completely out the window, if something needs to be taken care of and is of an urgent nature, we don't put it off, we just do what we need to do and see what unfolds. Say that Mercury retrogrades is all about people changing their minds.

We want to clarify our daily and monthly horoscopes are general for all zodiac signs and do not take into account of your personal natal chart.  For a personal reading click here


Taurus:  Put yourself out there now, with Uranus in your sign (until May 25), even if you’re shy or retiring. Destiny will give you several chances to take yourself onward, upward and outward – where a lot more people can find you. The internet is an obvious route to this kind of exposure, but so is a real-world reboot.

Jupiter promises a big safety net or a sky-high outcome with your financial, property, charity or business matter. So, focus on your financial goals, because if you do, you will continue to make good money all the way until June 2025 and establish yourself on a new and higher income level.                                       This does not mean you will suddenly see a precipitous drop after June 2025—you now have many chances to elevate your career and continue to be paid well from the ventures and through deals you make with clients during the entire coming decade.

This Virgo Full Moon on March 14 (lunar eclipse) moves through your fifth house of pleasure, joy, romance, and creativity. This energy helps you connect to the present moment and sink deep into your gratitude for the life you’ve cultivated.                                                                                                            If you’re dating, you’re either ready to move in with a new partner, or to emotionally detach from someone who isn’t meeting your standards and needs. In any case, the sky is passionate and lively:    You may be attending an exciting event, celebrating lucky news, or making great headway on a creative hobby or project.

Venus retrogrades in Aries? If you are single at this time, you will experience a new situation with your ex-partner, or a potential date, which makes you feel like a new strategy too. Can you change the other person? Maybe. Can you change the set-up? Maybe, again. This cycle is not meant solely to test you, though.                                                                                                                                                            In fact, it could permanently change your attitude toward love and sex, in a way that broadens and improves your entire life. In the case of long-term relationships, you are reaching the stage of sincere discussions that are important. Your other half is determined to clarify some issues from the past in order to understand whether the future of your relationship looks promising or not.

Mercury retrogrades in Aries and in your twelfth solar house of relaxation and closure. Relax: This isn't the end of the road—more like a much-needed rest stop. Pushing ahead will only cause you to spin your wheels for the coming few weeks. Instead, turn inward. Focus on acceptance and forgiveness.               Pay attention to your dreams and other "hidden" messages that may come to light. Your persistent sign seldom let’s go, so try to see this three-week "forced slowdown" as a blessing in disguise.

The April 29th, the Aries New Moon "Solar eclipse” might also bring to your attention your mental and physical health. It would be a perfect time to see your doctor or dentist or to have screenings that you know you should have but keep saying you are too busy.  It's time to let go of some of your obsessions with rules, regulations, and doing things perfectly.                                                                                        You might want to check in with your therapist if anything has been on your mind. You will have time in April, so make those appointments. The twelfth house rules restoration; this eclipse could launch a six-month cycle of healing.

For the next 6 weeks, as Mars is stuck in Cancer, you will meet your own raw energy through encounters with your brother, sister and/her neighbor. At last!  An explanation!                                       Quite wild energy can be triggered by anything and anyone during this cycle. As long as you don't ignore your feelings (or theirs) you should come up with useful results.  April 18th is the end point. Until then, measure those moves.

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