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The Full Moon on January 13th is in Cancer and the New Moon on the 29th is in Aquarius. Mercury is still in Sagittarius until January 8th and then it will be in Capricorn until January 28. Venus travels in Pisces from January 4 through February 4. Mars retrograde in Cancer until April 18th. Jupiter is in Gemini until June 9. Saturn is in Pisces until May 25. Uranus retrograde in Taurus Until January 29. Neptune is direct in Pisces and Pluto is in Aquarius. And The North Node’s epic shift into Pisces and the South Node’s shift into Virgo on January 11 marks a monumental turning point for the collective.  For the next 18 months, we’ll be guided to embrace creativity, spirituality and surrender (Pisces vibes) while releasing the need for constant perfection and over-analysis (Virgo shadows).                              This nodal axis reminds us that life isn’t always about doing — it’s about being. Whether it’s letting go of unrealistic expectations or leaning into the flow, the Nodes are here to teach us balance. 

When Mars retrograde, it depletes the vitality so that it is never a time to initiate. *Whoever initiates loses*— a new project, a great love, an argument or a lawsuit. With a new project, it will fizzle out and never really go anywhere. With a hot romance, it too fizzles and it rarely gets to a serious commitment. With an argument, the hostility will come back to haunt you later.                                                         

In legal matters, stoke your opponent into initiating the lawsuit first. It will be etched in granite that they will lose. During this cycle, never buy anything mechanical unless it is heavily insured! Office machinery and computers easily break down.

It’s also connected to wars, nuclear events or disasters, assassinations, terrorist acts, extremist manifestations, racism or discrimination, fires, shipwrecks, smog, and pollution

We want to clarify our daily and monthly horoscopes are general for all zodiac signs and do not take into account of your personal natal chart.  For a personal reading click here


Taurus:  Having the Sun, Mercury and the last New Moon in Capricorn (on December 30) and in your 9th solar house of adventure, travel, learning and discovery, there is a whole new and exciting energy in play this month, something that was there before but has now escaped and taken on a life of its own. That energy is a passion for adventure, yet in a form that you have never seen before.

This intrepid cycle is an ideal time for exploring far-flung locales, enrolling in continuing education or developing an entrepreneurial venture. Face your resistance and pursue your grandest goals. Sure, you might land outside your comfort zone—but that's when the greatest growth happens.                        Already “been there, done that?” Maybe it’s time to memorialize your amazing experiences!

This is a good month to do more creative intellectual work than usual. You will assert and defend the beliefs and ideas that you consider true and important wherever necessary. Obviously, this is valuable if you have to influence other people and make an impression on them, but it can also be a danger if you try to beat people over the head with your opinions and ideas.

This last Capricorn New Moon on December 30 is the perfect example of an iron fist in a velvet glove. This New Moon that will always bring a reminder to keep the spirit of freedom and adventure alive before moving into the busiest weeks of any year. The only person who can really hold you back is yourself, so cut the anchors and elevate your mind. “Any new moon is active for weeks and months afterward". However, new moons are the strongest in the 10 days after they appear.

Venus (your ruler) sails into Pisces, from January 4 - February 4. “Destiny” will pair you up with a friend or group, now. The person or group in question may be a permanent part of your life (for obvious reasons, it may be the band, team or club) or he/she may be new to you, socially. Venus says, “Whatever the connection, make it work now, it’s New Year.”                                                                               

The Eleventh House, which Aquarius rules, is about building bridges socially, and making connections. The more cleverly you manage the other friend or the group now, the easier it will be to progress. 


Looking for love? Digital dating could turn up some surprisingly good options. Let your social network play matchmaker! If you're in a relationship, get out and socialize more as a couple.

Mars retrograde in Cancer (until April 18) and in your 3rd house. You can be more defensive than usual, especially of your ideas, and quick to fight people. You can get in a lot more arguments with your siblings and your neighbors over little things.                                             

You can be too forgetful, too quick to move on to something else, and get bored much too easily. You want to have lots of different things to keep your mind occupied, but can still be unsatisfied.                      You can have too much on your mind, and be careful when driving, building and working in mechanics.

Work: Pluto encourages you to use your position, your role, or your career, to bring about your most ‘impossible’ or difficult outcomes. Willpower is power. Particularly in relation to your job, your role, your mission, or your ambitions. The world needs people like you now.                     

With care, you can take us all higher. When it comes to your achievements in this cycle, the potential for something completely out of the ordinary, is definitely there. The cycle ends in 2044.

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