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Utilizing astrology for personal development, self understanding and enlightenment.
In astrology, each planet has a very specific function. The Sun, it is 'soul' that transmits an idea to Mercury, which shall forward it to Venus, who feels things. Then Mars puts into action and expresses this idea. Jupiter, in turn, give the expansion, and finally Saturn puts it in place.
Full Moon meaning
Sun opposite Moon brings your home, family and intimate relationships into sharper focus for the following two weeks of this moon phase. Opposing forces such as work versus home, or what you need versus what you want, create inner tension and external pressures. This can lead to conflict and crises that drain your energy.
Full moons have the ability to bring the worst or the best out of us. It can be purifying and also bring out pains and highlight wounds that we have buried. Now is the time to practice compassion, to remember that we all suffer and struggle in our own way, and to look for ways to lighten the load of those around us.
The lunar qualities of emotions and instincts reach their peak at a full moon. So use your increased emotional strength and intuition to overcome any relationship challenges. Subconscious awareness allows for an impartial and balanced look at your personal relationships. You will clearly see any relationship dynamics or negative feelings causing disharmony.
The University of Basel proved it: science lines up with astrology. You do sleep less in the days before a Full Moon
Things come full circle on a Full Moon. It looks like a big, white, bright full stop in the sky. It’s time to pause and slow down.
In the days leading up to a full moon, people go to sleep later in the evening and sleep shorter periods of time, according to research at the University of Washington and Yale University.
Full Moon in each House
Full Moon in your own sign: A Full Moon here is about you! Your name, your face, your body, your packaging - everything from your hair to your clothes, to your business card. It's about how the world sees you, and how you present yourself. The Full Moon in your own sign also influences your feelings about your reputation. Take mental notes but act/choose another time.
Full Moon in your 2nd house: Money matters may make a big claim on your time and energy, and some hard decisions may be needed about whether to hoard more, share more, or devote more (or less) time to your material security. A change in your work, a sudden demand on your resources, or the successful fruition of a project, may make you think about the use you're making of your talents and your long- term security goals.
Full Moon in your 3rd house: Important news could be on its way to you a Full Moon lands in your third house of information, communication, and skills. Your perspective might change as the result of something you learn in conversation with a friend or co-worker—or perhaps you may be the one sharing something revelatory with others. Separately, you may also be feeling more accomplished or confident in a new skill you’ve been honing. Sharing your feelings, thoughts, and ideas with others can bring much-needed relief.
Full Moon in your 4th house: Your feelings and instincts are deeply influenced by your experiences within your family relationships and the dynamics of your domestic life. You have a strong need for emotional security, fulfilled through creating a nurturing and stable home environment. This is also an ideal time to relax at home, get projects done around the house. Adding family friendly touches, decorating in ways that make you feel nostalgic, or doing repairs which increase the security of the home are ideal at this time.
Full Moon in your 5th house: It's a time of emotional intensities, so anything you have been keeping buried pops on up. It can be a time where people end up having a breakup or waking up with a stranger. It brings up feelings of what matters to help you remove the other stuff. If you have been dating for a while, a Full Moon here can solidify the connection in an intense way. It can be a time where your child/bf-gf (non-serious) feelings come out, if your child's been keeping something from you then this is a time where you become aware of it.
Full Moon in the 6th house: Your work, health, and lifestyle could cause you to achieve a health and wellness goal of yours. If you’ve been hoping to leave your job or start a new work venture, It's a great time to take the leap, or it could bring feedback over a previously submitted application. Expect your attention to be turned toward health concerns, causing you to make lifestyle and diet changes around this time. Completing work projects that have taken up much of your time or even saying goodbye to a colleague who will be moving offices could bring emotional endings and celebrations in their honor.
Full Moon in the 7th house: The 7th house is often linked to romantic relationships, it also includes business relationships and all one-on-one relationships. Close friends are included in the 7th house (the 11th house includes friends you may not be as close to) as are career situations where you work closely with clients. There may be endings concerning these one-on-one relationships with the end or completion of a work situation, a client no longer requiring your services, or a friend moving away or falling out of some kind.
Full Moon in the 8th house: The 8th house is associated with shared finances and possessions. This can include shared finances with a partner, inheritances, taxation, insurances, and loans from institutions. A Full Moon here in your 8th house may signal endings and culminations in these areas of your life. A Full Moon could manifest as the finalization or end of a joint property matter such as a divorce settlement or the dissolution of a business partnership. The 8th is also associated with inheritances so this could be a time when an inheritance being finalized. A loan, taxation or insurance matter may also be completed at this time.
Full Moon in the 9th house: The most important aspects of your academic abilities, your teaching or lecturing skills and even your potential as publisher or author - will be on display now, as a Full Moon kicks in. You may feel as if you are watching yourself, watching yourself! The 9th house governs our ambitions in life, our beliefs, experiences, and the future it's a very spiritual area. When the Full Moon takes place here it's as if that path to what we want becomes a little clearer, it opens us up to manifesting something, a perspective shift, our dreams can become more focused.
Full Moon in the 10th house: A Full Moon in your 10th solar house and can bring you public recognition, you might find that you're a little more popular on your social media feeds, people at work want to spend time with you, bosses and people in authority are noticing you more - be it for good or bad. On a more personal level, your true feelings can come out, surrounding your life path and career direction. It's a Full Moon that can illuminate you to what you should be doing with your life, are you happy in your current role? Be on the lookout for new work opportunities.
Full Moon in the 11th house: The world is full of interesting people, and right now you might be lucky enough to meet some new ones. It's a time to expand your horizons and discover friends and people who share your ideals and hopes. Go out and join, whether it's a course of study, a group or a team, or just a gathering of good friends. This isn't a moment to brood over your solitary uniqueness, or embed yourself in obsessive couple-ness to the exclusion of everybody else. It's a time to be sociable, to recognize the bonds that link you to others, and perhaps to make decisions that open doors to new contacts, new ways of thinking, and the sense of freedom that comes with friendships based on the mind and the spirit rather than on expediency or simple proximity.
Full Moon in the 12th house: This is the house of closure, healing, solitude, and intuition. You’re granted access to your subconscious mind, and you're better able to recognize your blind spots. What habits, beliefs, and patterns have been holding you back, and how can you release them? This is a productive time to rework your daily routine as a means to honor your boundaries and protect your energy. Spend time in meditation or with any type of spiritual practice that feels aligned for you. Important breakthroughs can arrive when you exercise your intuition.